Our team.

Cam Piasecki, RCP, Esq.

Cam is an Accredited Recovery Coach Professional (RCP). Cam’s passion for helping individuals in recovery comes as a result of his own recovery journey. As an individual in long-term recovery, Cam understands what it’s like to navigate through the recovery process and strives to leverage his experience to help others achieve their own version of strong foundational recovery. Having entered recovery in his 20’s, Cam brings a unique peer experience to the people he works with through his ability to relate to clients entering recovery at a similar stage in their life.

Prior to working as a Recovery Coach Professional, Cam worked as an attorney for one of the largest global consulting firms and assisted clients on multi-billion dollar transactions within the firm’s Mergers & Acquisitions group. Cam believes that his professional background, combined with his ability to relate to clients as a true peer in recovery, has helped shape his recovery coaching approach in a manner that’s personal, practical, and professional.

James O’Hara, RC

James (Jimmy) is an attendee of the Recovery Coach Academy (RCA) Professional Accreditation Program. He has worked in professional and volunteer based coaching roles since December 2021. Jimmy understands the importance of carrying the message of recovery while also showing those in recovery how to obtain a life of joy. Jimmy believes that there are multiple pathways to a healthy and happy life while learning how to live with the disease of addiction. He has devoted many hours to carrying the message within different platforms and atmospheres, and is eager to extend his services here at New Foundations Recovery. A true believer in the fact that what you put into your recovery you get back tenfold. With the tools and history to relate to any person living with addiction, Jimmy loves to ask: “How can I help?”

Amanda Flick, RCP

Amanda is a Designated Recovery Coach Professional (RCP) and has been working in the field for multiple years helping to support the community. In addition, Amanda also serves on the Recovery Coach Professional Panel. Amanda's drive to help others in recovery derives from the support she received during her own recovery process. Amanda's life experiences while in recovery, which includes having children with special needs, have led her to truly believe in the importance of the “recovery first” mentality. As a woman in long-term recovery, Amanda embodies the ideal of multiple pathways to recovery and strongly believes in supporting each individual’s own unique pathway. Amanda is excited to join the New Foundations Recovery team!