Treatment Planning & Consultation

Once your loved one asks for help with a substance use or co-occurring disorder they have taken the first step, and it’s a big one, but what happens next? New Foundations Recovery is here to help answer that question and all the others that come up along the way. We will walk side-by-side with your family to help navigate the complexities of identifying the right treatment program, preparing financially, and creating a safe travel plan. For a list of frequently asked questions regarding the treatment planning process, and their answers, please see our Treatment Planning FAQ Guide.

  • Personalized choices.

    We work collaboratively with families to explore various treatment options and identify programs that are specifically aligned to an individual’s particular needs. Our job is to make the treatment selection process feel less overwhelming and ensure that your family is confident in their decision.

  • Simplified admissions.

    Simplified and expedited admission to treatment programs through our trusted network of national providers. We communicate directly with our internal contacts at treatment facilities to reduce the admissions process timeline and overall complexity.

  • Financial planning.

    Insurance verification assistance and coordination with treatment facilities on behalf of your family. Identification of scholarship opportunities and assisting your family with the application process. The financial component of attending treatment can be stressful for families, but it doesn’t always need to be.

  • Independent.

    We are totally independent from all treatment facilities but maintain strong relationships with many of the reputable providers. We pride ourselves on the fact that considerable amounts of time are spent touring facilities and meeting with program representatives. Let us do the legwork so your family doesn’t have to.

  • Interventions.

    New Foundations Recovery has a strong network of trusted and experienced Interventionists across the country. We will coordinate with our network on your behalf to identify an Interventionist that feels like a good fit to your family, is available, and falls within the budget.